about Ka
I like octopuses, kickboxing, braintrainment sessions, grande dame guignol films, beauty products and quad rollerskating. I embrace the quirkiness of life and hope you will enjoy my musings.
I studied at Temple University and the University of New Mexico. Los Angeles has been my home for most of my life. I also spend a lot of time in Las Vegas, where I serve as my ma’s fierce protector and advocate.
about ma
Ma Camille enjoyed a 34 year career with the Milwaukee Public School Board, during which she ruled in several capacities - most notably as Director of Vocational Education and Director of Staffing and Personnel.
She enjoys spending sunbathing in her backyard, picking pomegranates, admiring the pool that she never uses, and doting on her not-so ferals.
About the not-so ferals
Ebony and Butterscotch are the last surviving members of a sizable feral colony that thrived in Ma Camille’s backyard for nearly fifteen years.
Ebony is a social animal. He curls up on the beds of his humans to watch television and is the lucky recipient of extensive chin-scratching sessions. He’s pretty much a housecat these days but still devotes ample time outdoors for rolling around in the dirt beneath his favorite desert brush.
Butterscotch interacts on his own terms. He recently broke a lifelong, self-imposed rule of disallowing human touch by accepting a gift of tuna from Ka’s open palm. Having weathered this traumatic ordeal by emerging alive, he now nibbles gently at her fingertips by way of regular greeting.